"10 Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World" by Elif Shafak is a captivating narrative that delves into the life and final moments of Leila, a sex worker in Istanbul....
DOCTOR MASTER SUCCESS: A Text Book of Animal Diversity 1 (Invertebrates) by Dr. Nazir Ahmed and Dr. Riaz Ul Haq Ramay provides a comprehensive look at the vast and varied...
In "A Thousand Splendid Suns" by Khaled Hosseini, the intertwining lives of two Afghan women, Mariam and Laila, unfold against the backdrop of political turmoil and cultural oppression in Afghanistan....
"A Torch Against the Night," sequel to "An Ember in the Ashes" by Sabaa Tahir, continues the gripping saga set in a ruthless, martial world. Laia and Elias, on the...
"Alice & Oliver" by Charles Bock is a poignant novel delving into the complexities of love, resilience, and the human spirit in the face of adversity. Set against the backdrop...
"Ashiana Ghurbat Se By Ashian Dar Ashian Fateh" is a compelling narrative exploring the journey of resilience and triumph amidst adversity. Through poignant storytelling, it delves into the struggles and...
In "Aurora Burning," the second installment of The Aurora Cycle series penned by acclaimed authors Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff, readers are thrust into an electrifying interstellar adventure brimming with...
"Bedlam at Botany Bay" by James Dunk takes readers on a thrilling journey to colonial Australia, where adventure, mystery, and danger await at every turn. Set against the backdrop of...
"Beyond the Fields" by Aysha Baqir delves into the intricacies of female empowerment amidst the backdrop of rural Pakistan. Baqir's narrative weaves through the life of a young girl, stretching...
"Blindness: A Novel" by José Saramago delves into a harrowing exploration of a society plunged into darkness, both literally and metaphorically, when an unexplained epidemic of blindness spreads rapidly. The...
In "Blood Over Different Shades Of Green" by Ikram Sehgal-Oxford, the author delves into the intricate dynamics of power, corruption, and conflict within the socio-political landscape. Set against the backdrop...
In "Brief Answers to Big Questions," Stephen Hawking, renowned physicist, cosmologist, and author, provides concise yet profound insights into some of the most fundamental inquiries of existence. Covering topics ranging...
"Bright We Burn" by Kiersten White is a gripping historical novel that completes the thrilling and darkly captivating "Conqueror's Saga" trilogy. Set in the tumultuous world of 15th century Eastern...
"Circling The Sun" by Paula McLain invites readers on a captivating journey through the life of Beryl Markham, a remarkable woman who defied societal norms and soared to unprecedented heights...
"Destroy Me," the first installment of the "Shatter Me" series by Tahereh Mafi, thrusts readers into a gripping dystopian world teetering on the brink of collapse. Mafi intricately crafts a...
"Firekeeper's Daughter" by Angeline Boulley is a captivating Young Adult novel that intricately weaves together elements of mystery, thriller, and Native American heritage. Set against the backdrop of Michigan's Upper...
Games Untold by Jennifer Lynn Barnes is an exciting and immersive mystery thriller that plunges readers into a world of high-stakes competition, intricate puzzles, and psychological intrigue. Known for her...
"In 'Insurgent' by Veronica Roth, the gripping sequel to the dystopian thriller 'Divergent', readers are plunged back into a world torn by factions and rebellion. Tris Prior, grappling with the...
"Into TA: A Comprehensive Textbook on Transactional Analysis" is an illuminating guide curated by esteemed editors William F. Cornell, Anne de Graaf, Trudi Newton, and Moniek Thunnissen, offering a profound...
"Jurassic Park" by Michael Crichton immerses readers into a thrilling world where science collides with nature's ancient mysteries. Set on the remote Isla Nublar, billionaire John Hammond's vision of a...